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Connecting self-hosted GitLab instances


For Workspaces, Bitrise supports connecting to self-hosted GitLab instances. Once it’s done, you can add apps to Bitrise from privately hosted repositories.

For Workspaces, Bitrise supports connecting to self-hosted GitLab instances. Connecting is simple, and once it’s done, you can add apps to Bitrise from privately hosted repositories. All functions that you got used to with publicly hosted repositories will be available!

Setting up an app that is in a self-hosted GitLab repository is very simple: Bitrise needs to be authorized as an application for the entire GitLab instance and then the Application Id and the Secret value belonging to the Bitrise OAuth application must be added to the Workspace on

Configuring the GitLab connection

To access privately hosted GitLab repositories on Bitrise, you need to create a new OAuth application on your GitLab account, and assign the appropriate credentials to access your server.

Publicly resolvable IP address

Your self-hosted GitLab instance must have a publicly resolvable IP address, otherwise Bitrise won’t be able to connect to it.

  1. Log in to your GitLab instance with root privileges. If you connect to Bitrise without root privileges, your Workspace’s other team members will not have access to the repository on the GitLab instance.

  2. Go to the admin area by clicking the little wrench icon on the top menu bar.

  3. On the left menu bar, select Applications, then click New Application.

    New Application
  4. In the Name field, enter a name that clearly identifies the application. For the sake of simplicity, we recommend Bitrise.

  5. In the Callback URL field, enter

  6. In the Scopes menu, check api.

    New Application settings
  7. Set the Confidential option to No.

    If the newly created app is configured to be confidential, Bitrise won't be able to access it!

  8. Click Submit. On the next page, you should find the Application Id and a Secret. You’ll need both to connect to your GitLab instance on

    Connecting self-hosted GitLab instances
  9. Log in to Bitrise and open the account selector dropdown menu in the top right.

  10. Find your Workspace and click the little gear icon next to its name to get to your Workspace's profile page.

  11. Select the Self-hosted GitLab option on the left menu bar.

  12. Add your self-hosted GitLab credentials:

    • App ID

    • Secret

    • Self-hosted URL

You are done! Now you are able to access your privately hosted repositories with Bitrise.

Adding a new app from a self-hosted GitLab repository

  1. Log in to and click the + symbol on the top menu bar and select Add new app on web UI from the options.

  2. Select the Workspace that will be the owner of the app.

  3. When prompted to select your Git provider, select GitLab. Select the Self-hosted option.

  4. If you haven’t provided your self-hosted GitLab credentials to the Workspace before, you can do it at this stage.

  5. Click Connect.

Once connected, proceed as usual: Adding a new app